Collect to Convert: Leveraging Customer Data for Elevated Experiences

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In today’s highly competitive market, creating a memorable and personalized customer experience is crucial to driving conversions and building brand loyalty. But how do you collect and use the right customer data to make this happen?

In our latest webinar, we explored the power of consumer-consented data and learned from Allison Kelly, Chief Revenue Officer at Digioh, how it can help turn website visitors into loyal customers. She was joined by a panel of executives from Smith & Noble, VF Corp and Pacsun as they discussed key strategies for collecting and leveraging this valuable data to create a concierge shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more.


  • Consent and data transparency are key for building customer trust and loyalty.
  • Using customer data to create personalized and meaningful experiences can increase customer loyalty and drive sales.
  • Keep data collection simple and easy for customers.


  • Eli Winkler, President, Smith & Noble
  • Reem Seghairoun, VP, Global Digital Consumer 360, VF Corp
  • Cristina Ceresoli, CMO, PacSun
  • Allison Kelly, Chief Revenue Officer, Digioh
  • Moderated by Jill Dvorak, Chief Content Officer, CommerceNext

Watch the full recording or read on for the webinar’s key takeaways.

Consent is Key

In today’s digital age, businesses have access to a wealth of customer data that can help them improve their marketing strategies, personalize their offerings, and enhance the overall customer experience. However, collecting and using this data requires a delicate balance between personalization and privacy.

One company that recognizes the importance of transparency in collecting and using customer data is VF Corp. They have implemented a two-step process to protect customer privacy and explain how they collect and use customer data. This process not only prioritizes customer safety but also helps build trust with customers.

Similarly, Digioh also prioritizes consent and customer safety during data collection. They recognize that customers want to know why they are giving their data and what it will be used for. By providing clear explanations and giving customers control over their data, Digioh helps build trust and loyalty with customers.

Transparency in data collection and use is crucial for any successful business strategy. By providing customers with clear explanations of data collection and use, businesses can build trust, enhance the customer experience and increase customer loyalty. Check out our newest research report to learn more about how retailers are collecting and using customer data.

Create Meaningful Experiences

Collecting customer data is one thing, but using it to create meaningful experiences is where the real power lies. By tailoring experiences based on customer data, you can create personalized and engaging interactions that keep customers coming back for more.

One way to make customer information meaningful is to use it to create a more efficient and satisfying shopping experience. Smith & Noble has implemented this strategy successfully by sending expert sales representatives to provide consultations tailored to each customer’s unique needs based on results from consumer-consented data.

Another example is VF Corp which has implemented an app that allows associates to improve the in-person associate-customer relationship . By using the data collected through the app, they can provide personalized recommendations and create a more engaging and efficient shopping experience.

Ultimately, the key to making customer information meaningful is to use it in a way that resonates with customers and provides value. By doing so, you can create a customer experience that is both efficient and satisfying, leading to increased customer loyalty and higher conversion rates.

Keep it Simple

Collecting customer data is crucial for any business to succeed, but it needs to be done in a way that is respectful of the customer’s privacy and preferences. Pacsun has found a way to make consumer data collection a natural and unobtrusive experience by placing barcodes in dressing rooms that lead to customer surveys. By humanizing the process, customers are more likely to participate and provide valuable feedback.

Transparency and consent are crucial in collecting and using customer data. Businesses that prioritize these values can build trust, enhance the customer experience, and increase customer loyalty. By using customer data to create personalized and valuable experiences, businesses can keep customers coming back and more satisfied than ever!


The conversation around consumer data and privacy is ever-evolving. Join us at the Ecommerce Growth Show on June 20-21 in NYC to learn how top retailers are using data to improve the customer experience.

