A.J. Ghergich

A.J. Ghergich

Global VP Consulting

A.J. Ghergich is a seasoned expert with over 20 years of experience and innovation in SEO and content marketing. Recognized as a prolific conference speaker and thought leader in SEO, A.J. shares his insights at major industry events, influencing the future of digital marketing.

As the Global Vice President of Consulting Services at Botify, A.J. is instrumental in developing new, effective SEO strategies that help brands scale and react to the rapidly expanding search and AI landscape. AJ owns the coveted @SEO handle on X where he shares advice and learnings with a global search audience.

His background includes Founder/CEO roles at multiple digital marketing firms with successful exits and holding key leadership roles, such as CDO at Brado. A.J.’s approach combines practical, hands-on experience with a deep understanding of how SEO and content drive business growth by harnessing user intent, technical SEO, and AI.

Speak with A.J. to gain insight that can help you navigate the complexities of modern SEO while embracing AI and automation.