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Parties are more fun with friends.
Bring a friend to UELP.

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Refer-a-friend to the CommerceNext Ultimate Ecommerce Leaders Party (UELP) at NRF’s Big Show on January 17, 2022.

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Parties are more fun with friends, and chances are you have a retailer friend or two (or five) who would be interested in joining you for the January 17th UELP. You can nominate any retail or brand exec to attend UELP. The party brings together the right people in the right environment making it the ideal forum to connect and converse with fellow digital retail leaders.

To thank you for your referral and to spice things up a bit, we’re doing a raffle for a $100 Amazon Gift Card. If your friend signs up for the party, you’ll be entered into a raffle for a chance to win yourself a $100 Amazon Gift Card. *This is a raffle contest, so more entries will give you a higher chance of winning. Please only nominate retailers or brands.*

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