By registering to attend CommerceNext 2024 (the “Event”), whether for in-person attendance or virtual attendance of any live-streamed portion of the Event, you agree to abide by all of the terms and conditions outlined below, including the Privacy Policy referenced in Section 5 below (collectively, the “Agreement”). If you are completing the registration on behalf of another person or entity, you warrant that: you have authority to accept and agree to this Agreement on behalf of such person or entity; you have made such person or entity aware of this Agreement; and that such person or entity accepted these terms and conditions.

As utilized herein, “you” and “your” (whether or not capitalized) shall refer to yourself and all persons or entities on whose behalf you have registered for the Event.  “CommerceNext” shall refer to Ecommerce Conferences LLC, as well as its assignees, successors, parents, subsidiaries, employees, agents, members, representatives and any other person acting under its control or on its behalf.


  1. Attendee Requirements


When registering for an Event, you must provide us with accurate and complete Registration Details. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to that information (including, without limitation, your email address) by updating your details on the relevant section of the applicable website or contacting us using the contact information provided to you in any Event confirmation.  It is your responsibility to inform us of any special access requirements at the time of registration, and in any event, no later than 2 working days in advance of the Event.


  1. Check-in and Badge Policy:


  1. Prohibited Conduct


  1. Fees


  1. Personal Data & Privacy Policy


  1. Intellectual Property


  1. Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability


  1. Miscellaneous