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refer a friend to join the 2023 Ecommerce Growth Show

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One of the things that makes CommerceNext unique is the community of people that attend. We know good things happen when smart, experienced ecommerce and marketing leaders get together to learn and network. In the spirit of “birds of a feather flock together,” we’d like to give you the opportunity to extend invitations to your friends to join you at the 2023 Ecommerce Growth show on June 20-21. You can nominate any retail or brand exec to attend for a FREE pass (*Please only nominate retail or DTC brand execs*).

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CommerceNext 2023 Referral Program


Important Notice: Avoid Unauthorized Housing Providers

Connections Housing is the exclusive housing partner for CommerceNext and the only trusted source for booking accommodations for our event. Be cautious of third-party companies posing as official housing providers. These entities may attempt to mislead you into booking through them, often resulting in non-refundable deposits or invalid reservations that we cannot assist with.

To ensure a secure and seamless booking experience, always reserve your accommodations directly with Connections Housing. If you are approached by anyone claiming to offer housing for CommerceNext outside of Connections Housing, please report this immediately to commercenext@connectionshousing.com.

For assistance or questions, you can contact the Connections Housing team at commercenext@connectionshousing.com or by phone at 725.201.7302.