Conversations With CommerceNext: CEO Perspective on Consumer Behavior in the New Normal

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CommerceNext is excited to share the first episode of our new video interview series called Conversations with CommerceNext, in which we feature short video conversations with different retail and ecommerce industry leaders

In our first episode, we interviewed Exponea CEO Peter Irikovský about digital transformation and new customer behavior in the COVID-19 era.

Interviewee Bio

Before founding Exponea to help ecommerce executives grow their businesses, Irikovský walked in their shoes as the CEO of Czechloslovakian-based Slevomat. He turned that company from a startup into a successful e-commerce enterprise with over €100 million in revenue.

Interview Snapshot

I caught up with Irikovský in his Atlanta home office to speak about new consumer behavior he’s seeing among ecommerce companies in the US and Europe, such as: shifting buying times, Outlook becoming a popular email client, fewer touchpoints before clicking the buy button and many other behaviors that are reshaping online shopping in the era of Covid-19.

Irikovsky also shared his thoughts on how COVID-19 is accelerating digital transformation in many retail organizations. He constructed a framework that outlines the capabilities required to successfully move ahead with a digital transformation and a new tool for assessing preparedness. An extended overview of Irivkovsky’s digital transformation framework can be seen here, which also includes a link to the assessment tool.
